
Tara Vitality Summit: Connecting To Source Through The Body

June 2024

  • Live & Pre-Recorded Talks with experts from various fields, followed by interactive Q&A sessions
  • Announcements: Discover Tara Vitality’s exciting collaborations and the launch of groundbreaking products as well as services.
  • In Support Of Project Child Save, for every child deserves freedom, safety, and a chance at a bright future.
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About the event

Detailed information to be announced in the first week of May '24.


Below you can find a list of confirmed speakers for out upcoming event.

For more info about each speaker click on the links below, or listen to their apperance on the Life Of Elvis Podcast


Elvis Tadlanek
The founder of Tara Vitality, began his journey with martial arts, later focusing on Progressive Calisthenics. After battling weight and mental health issues in the UK, he used calisthenics and nutrition to transform himself, even performing 2,000 pull-ups in 6.5 hours for charity. Elvis authored a sci-fi novel, and continues his musical endeavors as well as travels around the globe. He also hosts the "Life Of Elvis Podcast".


Misty Magdalena Grace
Known as the "Healer's healer", Misty Magdalena Grace focuses on mental, physical and spiritual health. Formerly Lois Koffi, she specializes in plant medicines like psilocybin, ayahuasca and kambo frog medicine to help others after overcoming her own grief, trauma and addiction.
She lives in Southern California and hosts retreats with her husband Emmanuel, a shaman. Using breathwork, yoga, sound healing, plant medicine, nutrition and shadow work, they guide those open to trauma release and connecting with their Higher Self.



Deedee Jebrail
A dream interpreter with over 30 years experience unraveling the hidden meanings in our subconscious visions. As a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, she constantly expands her knowledge. In addition to one-on-one sessions, Deedee hosts the "HauntedHour" podcast, delving into dream interpretations and paranormal topics. She also conducts dream symbol class shorts on social media. Deedee carefully examines every detail and provides thoughtful interpretations to help unlock messages and insights from your subconscious mind. With her wealth of knowledge and captivating podcast, she is a trusted guide on your journey of self-discovery through dreams.









The Schedule

To Be Announced


Available after the announcement of our upcoming event.


Tara Vitality isn’t just about empowering individuals – it’s about creating a brighter future for everyone. A future where every child is safe. That's why we've chosen to support Project Child Save, an organization that works tirelessly to rescue innocent children from the clutches of human traffickers. Every child deserves freedom, safety, and a chance at a bright future.

Every single penny donated to PCS goes directly towards missions to rescue trafficked children. Your support is highly appreciated and it makes a difference!

Together, Let’s Break Free

Join hands with us on this transformative event. Uncover the wisdom, harness the energy, and pave your path to a liberated future.

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